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8" CP8 Couch Potato Low Profile Subwoofer 150Wrms ADD MASSIVE FAST BASS TO UNDERUTILISED AREAS The Earthquake Sound...
6.5" 100V / 8 Ohm Wall Indoor Outdoor Pendant Speaker Hi-Fi or 100V PA Installations The Earthquake PCS6.5 pendant...
EARTHQUAKE SOUND Earthquake's AWS 5¼"indoor/outdoor speakers offer performance, reliability, and aesthetics in one...
Edgeless In-Wall LCR Speaker - Single, with grille EARTHQUAKE SOUND The Edgeless EWS530C in-wall LCR speaker offers a...
4" Edgeless Ceiling Speakers - Pairs (White) with Aluminium Grilles SEALED BACK DOLBY® COMPATIBLE The ECS 4.0 v2 is a...