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Software LUTRON SW-E802 SPECIAL ORDER - PLEASE ENQUIRE It is used to save the displayed data in real time directly to...
DATA ACQUISITION SOFTWARE WITH MULTI DISPLAY The SW-E816 is a multi-displays (1/2/4/6/8/16 displays) powerful WINDOWS...
3 Phase Power Analyser - Harmonic Measurement One of the key features of this analyzer is its built-in SD card data...
Wattmeter analyzer LUTRON DW-6095 SPECIAL ORDER - PLEASE ENQUIRE Lutron DW-6095 is a 3 Phase Power Analyzer with...
AUTO RANGE True RMS ACV, ACA measurement. Meets IEC 1010 CAT III 1000 V safety requirement. Large LCD display with...
FULLY AUTO AC/DC, RESISTANCE WITH Hz & CAPACITANCE Lutron DM-9950 Digital Multimeter auto/manual with smart functions....
TEMP. FREQ. CAP. Lutron DM-9960 Digital Multimeter with temperature measurement.Meet IEC 1010 CAT III 1000 V safety...
HIGH-SPEC MODEL - INDUCTANCE, CAPACITANCE & RESISTANCE Intelligent microprocessor circuit , professional...
LCR Meter INDUCTANCE, CAPACITANCE, AND RESISTANCE Intelligent microprocessor circuit , professional instrument.19999...
LSI-circuit allows high reliability and durability. Accuracy is provided from a crystal time base and fast sampling....
17 RANGES: DCV: (1MΩ)2/20/200/600V ±0.8% ACV: (450kΩ)200/600V ±1.2% AC/DCI:2m/20m/200m/2A ±1.5% OHMS:...
3200 DISPLAY COUNT 4 DIGIT 32 Segment Bar-Graph Fast change display housed in a tough yellow casing with safety test...
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This accurate measuring instrument is modern in design & functions. Many features include 10M input, hFE, up to 20 amp...
This Multimeter offers everything for today’s technician. Including 10MΩ in,hFE, up to 20 amp AC/DC current, Large 18mm...
WITH PC SOFTWARE Looks and operates like a normal multi-meter, but is actually a technician to computer interface! The...