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SOLDERED PLUG The 10108A Mobile antenna lead is pre-terminated with an Australian type quality UHF base 5/16” Male...
Extra strength solid insulator with PL259 thread.
SIDE ENTRY SO239 Large super-heavy-duty side entry SO239 to SO239 base that suits PL259 type antennas. Mobile one SAM2S
Solder type for affixing PL259 antennas. Wide band UHF Stainless steel. Benelec 04110L
GROUNDED SO239 5/16" Antenna to SO239 Socket. Wide bandwidth Suit UHF, etc. Premium grade long-life Delrin weather...
½" Bolt through 15mm mounting hole to PL259 Plug. Suitable for 3 & 6ft heavy duty whips. Ground independent ½"...
Ground plane antenna base ½" Mounting Hole to 5/16". UHF up to 520MHz. Benelec 02740
UHF CB BASE SO239 Socket 5.0M RG58 Coax Suit ½" Hole Requires bracket Heatshrink sealed Benelec 10109 Plug FME Female
SO239 ½" Base FME Male Plug LL100 0.4M Coax. Benelec 10109C
MOULDED PL259 PLUG RG58U 3.6M Coax With 5/16" base