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GENERAL PURPOSE TEMPERATURE PROBE Measurement range: 0° to 200°C.4mm Banana plugs for any compatible Type-K meter
Panasonic Service Mnaual: VAR1 PQVDVR61B VARISTOROEM device from Panasonic, data unknown.
Self reset for Fan motor, Transformers, Fluorescent lamp ballast, Battery, Induction Cooker, Motor etc. 5 Amp 250Vac....
Microtemps are Non-Resettable metal thermal They go open circuit if a temperature is exceeded. As used in appliances...
Thermal circuit breakers as used in appliances like microwave ovens. Self resetting. Thermal triggered. Rated at 10A...
Goes open circuit if temperature is exceeded. Insulated. Used in transformers, motors, etc. Low DC to 240VAC 2A....
Thermal trigger switch as commonly used in power supplies & battery packs. With solder tags. Self-Resets.
WEATHER RESISTANT "AT" Thermal resistor 60cm lead. Encased head. ±0.3°C Accurate. 2KΩ at 25°C
NTC AT Thermal sensor negative temperature coefficient. 2.0KΩ at 25°C ±0.3°C Precision. PCB Mount (2.54mm)