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PRIVACY SWITCH Allows only one device to use the phone line at a time.
CA104 CAT5/6 PORT D/BLER NO-FILTER No filter inside Splits RJ45 Plug to two sockets 8 Pin 8 Connectors
TD101 MOD. DOUBLE ADAPT. NO FILTER Split a phone line connection before or after the ADSL filter.
RJ10 RJ11 RJ12 RJ45 RJ50 Supplied 10 pieces per bag. Suits FLAT or Round Cable Multi or single strand
Most cases, use the straight type Pin 1 - 1.Crossover types available which swap pins.
TD2406 MODULAR D/ADAPTOR P605 Plug to 2 x 6P4C
MOD-RS2 RJ45-RJ12 REDUCE RJ12 TO RJ45 Plastic collar (x10) allows a smaller plug to fit a larger socket Adapts plugs:...